Friday, February 5, 2010

Why can't things just make sense???

Ok so if you know the ARMY at all none of this will come as a surprise... but the ARMY and it's "protocol" just doesn't make sense to me!!! Here's my latest gripe. The King is heading out to "The Sandbox" and while he's out there his contract ends. Our plan is to go back to the Utah National Guard, and gain civilian employment. This is what I want, not him, well mostly me and little him. But it's the plan. So we got the official orders to deploy. Ryan goes over to the JJPSO office (the moving people) He wants to make arrangements for them to move me home. We all ready know this is gonna be a battle so he went prepared. They tell him they don't move spouses just because the soldiers deploy. We say we know. We don't want to move just because he's leaving. We want to move because he's getting out. They say, nope. He says why? They say because you can't do that without orders. He says I have orders. They say we don't accept depoloyment orders they have to be orders to get out. So he goes he talks with the Col. The Col. says he'll see what he can do. He talks to some people. Orders can't be cut until a certain number of months before he gets out... But he also says we're not asking for anything they wouldn't do for us anyway. He suggests just talking to a supervisor. So off to the supervisor we go. We explain everything to him. He says it makes perfect sense. We thought ah ha!! Yeah someone who gets it. WRONG. Even though it makes sense he says no. If I move you for a deployment I have to move everyone!!! ARGHGHGHGHGHH.... not moving because of deployment... HELLO???? Is anyone home. NOPE. So we say fine. We'll just move ourselves and then when we qualify for orders we'll just turn in reciepts for re-imbursement. Oh no. That no workey either. Reciepts can't be more than 60 days old. Are you kidding me!!!??? So I have to waste $1500 a month to stay in Colorado, because why??? Because we don't have a piece of paper. Awesome. Thanks ARMY. Thanks for taking care of families. Thanks for taking care of soldiers who serve. You rock.
I'm moving anyway.


Leesa Marie Jones said...

Maybe a few family and friends can all come with trucks and more you for cheaper than your $1500.00 a month! I hope something works out for you! Or is Army Boy Mendenhall actually going to stay an Army Boy??

Katrina Maye Winn said...

I feel your pain, hun! We've been receiving Transit BAH ($800 LESS than the Fort Lewis BAH, where we live - $800 extra we SHOULD be getting) due to a similar technicality! Everyone we talk to says we're right... but that they can't do anything to fix it.

And... good for you, moving anyway! Don't let the Army mess with your life anymore than you have to!

Annie said...

The Only way we stay Active Duty is if neither of us can find a job back home. I'll start looking as soon as I get there and we'll start looking for him too and get aggressive about 6 months out. Hopefully going home is what the Lord wants for us too and he'll help us get employment.