Friday, April 16, 2010

Someone please tell me why!!!

All right. I have questions. I need answers. Question one: Why is it, that I can scrub and scrub and scrub. Take three large bags of trash out, vacuum and still look around and feel like we're living in a pig sty!! Where does it all come from? Will it ever end? Is this some cruel sort of punishment for some wrong I don't even realize I've done. I'm sorry all ready! Please, I'm begging you! Make it stop. This is why I like yard work. Once I mow my lawn and make all those pretty lines, you can't undo them for me later that day! It takes a week or two!! By then I'm ready to mow again. Flower beds. You can't unweed them. Once I pull the little suckers out. They're gone. Tomorrow it will still look like I weeded the flower beds. Now that's satisfaction!
Question two: Why after you exercise can't you see an immediate result. Not huge. I realize you must work for it. All I'm asking is this. After I participate in a good work out... (which is rare for me) I just wanna see my belly not stick out quite so far, or see my arms jiggle just a little less. Then I'm motivated to keep it going. And if I miss a workout, then my belly can flab right back out, or my arms have my permission to jiggle freely!! All I'm asking is to see that my sweat, blood and tears are making a difference. I can't wait months to see it. I'm not a patient person. Don't believe me?? Ask the King. Actually ask anyone, they'll laugh in your face and tell you patience is a virtue I'm lacking! I wanna exercise. The problem is I hate it. I don't like how it feels. It's uncomfortable. I stink when I'm done. I don't have great endurance, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a whiner. So exercise isn't a natural thing. But I wanna be healthy. I wanna be thin. So just why oh why can't I have a little teaser of what's to come!? Why can't I get just enough to be motivated to keep it going. WHY??
Well now I'm wound up and confused so it's time for a Dr. Pepper. I know counterproductive, but guess what!? I like it. So there.


Unknown said...

LOL...the answer to #1 is because you live in an apartment...with kids. I don't even have the kids portion and I go through the same thing...of course 3 little mongrel pups and a husband suffice for kids. And if you ever figure out how to mow your lawn while living in an apartment, let me know...I miss it dearly!!

#2...if you figure out the answer to that one, fill me in...I need the motivation as well!!!

Love your posts...gonna miss your lessons!

Amber said...

AMEN!!! That you very much! I know exactly how that feels and then I also wonder, how does the mess happen? The kids and I are gone for the majority of the day how in 1 hour a night does it all go to pot?

Leesa Marie Jones said...

Those are very good questions! Too bad the answers are too complex to give. Although it would be nice to have the answers you suggested!!

Coon Family said...

I have to be in a good mood to clean, otherwise I get easily upset whenever it gets messed up.


I feel for ya!