Monday, January 11, 2010

Things That Make Me REALLY Happy!!

There are just some things that make me happy.... I decided to list them. I'll keep adding to it, as I think of more.
1. Good Music! It's amazing how a good song can turn a day around :)
2. Laughter: It's contagious. Especially when it's my kiddos who laugh so hard they snort. That always gets me!
3. Long Talks: I love them, especially with the King Of Battle. He's not into them much, so it makes it even better when I get those with him.
4. GNO! Otherwise known as Girls Night Out!!! Hey I love a date with my King, but every girl loves a night away here and there with girls she loves, and can be silly with!
5. Baby Smell: Especially a breast-fed baby. Sorry if that's discrimination. But I love it. Scentsy should make a brick. I'd buy it.
6. The Beatles. I know that goes with good music. But most every song they sing I love. They are get happy music for sure.
7. Good friends. I love friends who get me. They give me nick-names, they laugh at me, but mostly they sustain me.
8. My Family: All of them. The King, The kiddos, my parents and siblings, The Kings parents and his siblings, all of our cousins.... EVERYONE!! We are so blessed to have HUGE families. I love them all.
9. Church: I get such a charge from my Sunday lessons. I can always tell a HUGE difference in my attitude if I miss a week. I need it. It makes me less grumpy.
10. Feeling Productive: There's something to be said for it... I just don't know what it is.
11. Cooking. I like to cook. I like to find recipes that are treasures. When we get back to my house in Utah, then I will be able to say I LOVE cooking. Cause then I will have a kitchen worthy of cooking!!
12. My house: I know it's such a temporal thing. But I love my house. I like how it looks, I love the yard, I love the colors, I love the location, I Love the neighborhood and especially the ward!! Amazing people there.
13. Dr. Pepper. enough said.
14. A good Book
15. The Pioneer Woman blog. She makes me laugh out loud. I wish she lived by me so I could be her friend. I'm sure we'd be tight, if we knew each other!
16.Surprises. But only good ones.
17.A nice hot bubble bath.... hmmmmmm nice. Ahhhhhhh.
18. A deep sleep: I love it when I wake up in the morning alert and in the same position I fell asleep in. That means I didn't toss or turn. I just slept. YES!
19. The American Idol tryouts.... come on. Admit it, they're funny. Especially Simon. If he ever leaves the show. It'll end. It's a fact.
20. Seeing the light bulb go on in one of my kids heads. It's amazing! LOVE IT!!
21. I love to laugh so hard my sides hurt and tears roll down my cheeks. It doesn't happen often, the last time was game night with the Mendenhall's. But I love it.
22. Playing games. My favorite is Times Up! It's so fun.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

I agree. Especially 11 and 15 and most of the other ones too. :) I have some great recipes, I'll have to send you some.