Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Whats wrong.....

Have you noticed lately that everything seems to focus on all the things that are "wrong". We're in a recession, housing markets aren't good, gas costs, food costs, health care bills, blah blah blah! I'm tired of hearing about all the negatives!! Why can't we focus on good? I understand that there are pressing matters to deal with. That all of the above listed things are concerns, and need for lack of a better term, reckoning. But, there is so much good in this world, and it's going unrecognized!! I believe you get what you focus on. If we as an American people could focus on the positive, we could have an amazing effect on our "situations" Do I think having happy thoughts will miraculously take us out of a recession. Of course not. I'm no genius, but I'm not an idiot either! What I think will happen is this.... Instead of thinking poor me, I can't go and buy anything I want, when I want, because prices are high and the recession is hitting my bank account, we could think I have quite a bit. More than most. I can use what I have been blessed with, and make it work for me. I can run and play outside with my kids, instead of buying that gym pass. I can watch a DVD and pop microwave popcorn, instead of hitting the theatre! Hey and guess what! You can lay down, and wear sweats, and go to the bathroom, whenever you want! Kids love movie nights, I love movie nights!! We don't need the newest cars, or the latest gadgets! We need humility. We need gratitude. We need to focus on the positive!
I'm guilty of the poor me syndrome from time to time. And when I catch myself feeling that way, I start a gratitude journal. I list three things daily that I'm grateful for. They are very specific, and you cannot repeat any one thing. It sure brings things into perspective!! In fact I think I'm gonna do it again! I'll get a notebook today!
As I was "surfing the web" today I thought man, if aliens existed, and read our information they'd think what a pitiful people. Plagued with terrible things. That's not how I want to be. I'm gonna be happy. I'm gonna be positive!
Amen. Stepping off the soapbox now!