Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wayne and Maxine....

My paternal Grandparents.... I love them sooooo much. In fact when we named Layne we spelled it this way for Grandpa who is Wayne, and Ashlynn bears Maxine for her middle name. We lost Grandma last December. I still tear up when I think about her.... she was an amazing woman, who taught me so much. Grandpa, isn't doing very well. I got the phone call this morning, his hospice nurse found pneumonia in both lungs and they suspect his kidney's are shutting down. *Sigh* I really really really wanna go home! This is the hardest part for me of being an ARMY wife. When things happen at home, I'm not there! I want to say good-bye.... I can't. I want to hug him, and kiss his forehead. I want to hear him sing Jumbo elephant one more time. I have so many memories of my Grandparents. They are all such good fun memories. It's hard to imagine life without them in it. I guess my job now is to first remember what they taught me and to live by it. And Second keep their memory and traditions alive. That way their lives and what they worked so hard for is honored. ( In my humble opinion) I also wish I could afford to buy the Big White House on the Hill. I want to put the rose carpet back where it belongs! I want the sewing room, back to a sewing room and I want to read in Grandpa's study! I have so many great memories of that house and all the HUGE family gatherings we had there.
Also I need to take a second... I don't know if any of my family reads my non-sense blog, but if they do, this needs to be said. And if they don't I still need to say it. My Aunt Kathy took the care of my ailing Grandparents on herself. She made the arrangements. She made the doctors appointments and took them. She cooked and cleaned for them. She put up the bears and took down the bears. She grocery shopped for them, she basically put her life and her desires aside to assist my Grandparents. It's been years that she's been doing this. Taking time off work, taking no time for herself and really putting her own health at risk, to care for two very amazing people. To her I would like to say. THANK YOU!!! You are truly an Angel of the Lord. His work came to pass through your hands. You are a selfless, beautiful woman, and I love you!
Do you see now why I say Family is Everything!!? They are. I love mine.

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